[PDF] SBI Clerk Study Material, books, Syllabus, practice sets and Free Mock test
SBI Clerk Online Exam Free books, Syllabus, Study Material, Last Year Paper, practice sets and Mock test PDF Free of coast. PDF Notes provides Free Study material PDF links for upcoming exam for SBI Clerk Exam. Try it Free

SBI Clerk Study Material Download

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern | Syllabus | Study Material in Hindi & English
Exam Pattern of SBI Clerk Exam
SBI Clerk Syllabus for Preliminary Exam
Serial No. Section No. of Question Total Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes
SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern 2019-20
SBI Clerk Syllabus for Mains Exam
Serial Number Section No. of Question Total Marks Duration
- 1. General English 40 40 35 minutes
- 2. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
- 3. Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 minutes
- 4. General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
Total 190 200 2 hours 40 minutes
SBI Clerk Exam Final Selection
Provided information in SBI Clerk notification 2019 PDF, the marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination will not be added for the selection and only the aggregate marks obtained in Main Examination will be considered for preparation of the final merit list. Provisional selection will be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the Main examination.Final selection of SBI Clerk will be subject to:-
1. Verification of eligibility for the post and information furnished in the online application.2. Qualifying in the test of specified opted local language, where applicable, as detailed above. Results of the candidates who have provisionally qualified for selection will be made available on the official website.
Wait List:-
A wait list of up to 50% of vacancies (State-category wise) will be maintained. Candidates will be released from this wait list on a quarterly basis against non-joining and resignation out of the current batch only. This wait list will be valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of final result.SBI Clerk Exam Pattern | Syllabus
The SBI Clerk Syllabus is listed below-
General English
Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Word formation, Sentence completion, Comprehension – Theme detection, Deriving conclusions, Passage completion, Error detection, Passage correction, Sentence correction, Spelling – Grammar, Phrases, Idioms etc.General awareness
Knowledge of Current affairs, Sports, history, geography, culture, Indian constitutions, News related to Reserve Bank of India, Banking Awareness, Financial Awareness (Union Budget/ Railway Budget), Economics newsMarketing Aptitude
Basics of Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Market Segmentation, Marketing Management, Marketing Mix, Developing stage of organization, Brand Advertising, Products Life Cycle, 4 P’s and 4 C’s of marketingComputer Knowledge
Ms Office, Windows Os, the internet, and emails, hardware etc.Quantitative Aptitude
Basic 10th 11th and 12th Mathematics including profit and loss, percentage, number system, averages, ratios and proportions, speed and distance, time clock, calendars, analogies and distance, ages.Reasoning Ability
Syllogism, Data interpretation, number series, blood relations, odd series, coding, and decoding, seating arrangement, Distance and Direction, ranking, Order and ranking, Making judgments, etc.SBI Clerk Exam Preparation best Books
The set of books for each section as listed below have been recommended by top teachers and toppers:-
Best Books for SBI Clerk Exam (Numerical Ability)
Quantum CAT by Sarvesh Kumar VermaQuantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma
SBI Clerk Books For English Language
Best Books for SBI Clerk Exam English Grammar by Wren and Martin
Objective English by S.P BakshiWord Power made easy by Norman Lewis
Best Books for SBI Clerk Exam (Reasoning Ability)
Analytical Reasoning by MK PandeyModern Approach to Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe
SBI Clerk Exam Best Books For Computer Aptitude
Lucent’s Computer by Rani AhilyaObjective Computer Awareness by Somya Ranjan Behera
Best Books for SBI Clerk Exam (General/Financial Awareness)
Lucent’s General Knowledge 2019Banking and Economic Awareness by Rakesh Kumar
Banking, Financial & General Awareness by I K Pavel
Source: Read Source
[PDF] Bank preparation SBI Clerk Study Material, book, Syllabus, Paper, Practice sets के नि: शुल्क PDF अध्ययन सामग्री लिंक-
Practice sets for Latest SBI Clerk Exam |
Last year paper pdf of SBI Clerk Exam |
Subject wise Study Material for SBI Clerk Exam |
Syllabus and Notification SBI Clerk Exam |
Mock tests for SBI Clerk Exam |
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